DISCLAIMER: Sayed Hamid Al-Hussaini is an independent academic and does not represent Rafida in any manner. We have shared this content to gain public awareness of this valuable discussion.

The preview to the debate between Sayed Hamid Al-Hussaini (a Shia Muslim activist) and Mohammed Hijab (a "Sunni" Muslim polemicist).

Topic: Who was the rightful successor to Prophet Muhammad?

Date: Sunday 16th June 2017.

Location: Speakers' Corner (Hyde Park), in London, United Kingdom.

After the first time in which the Shia community in London engaged in a structured debate with Mohammed Hijab (https://youtu.be/xBFi4FVzOv8), on the topic of his online attack on Shia Islam, another respected Shia Muslim student of knowledge hosted a similar debate, on the topic of Imamah in the Quran. Both debates are available online.

This video is the preview to the third structured encounter of Mohammed Hijab with the Shia community - in Hijab's very own comfort zone, Speakers' Corner.